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작성자 Amosari 댓글 0건 조회 7회 작성일 23-11-15 03:06


The Gangwon Land Social Contribution Foundation announced on the 6th that it will hold the 2023
Pneumoconiosis Disaster Recreation Program on Jeju Island until next month.

The program will be held in Jeju Island for three nights and four days for 200 people living in seven cities and
counties in abandoned mine areas and in Gangwon Province.
Since 2015, the foundation has been implementing the "Pneumoconiosis Disaster Recreation Program"
that provides recreational travel to people with pneumoconiosis who are unable to travel due to
pneumoconiosis and economic difficulties.






This year, the foundation recruited a total of 200 participants with recommendations from seven
pneumoconiosis associations nationwide.
On the 4th, the foundation will run a total of seven rounds until October, starting with the first round.
Participants in the program will experience Jeju attractions and tourist attractions such as eco-land,
yacht tours, horseback riding performances, and sandani forest roads.
An official from the foundation said, "We are conducting the program considering that there are not many
travel opportunities because the victims of the disaster are old, and we are asking nurses to accompany us
on all schedules in case of an emergency," adding, "Gangwon Land employees are also participating to help
the elderly travel comfortably and safely."
Meanwhile, the foundation has been conducting recreational programs for 1,043 people with a budget of 1.8
billion won from 2015 to 2022.
In addition, various projects are being implemented to improve welfare, such as winter support and
pneumoconiosis inpatient support for pneumoconiosis victims.
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