2001 Toyota Rav4 Problems > 자유게시판

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2001 Toyota Rav4 Problems

페이지 정보

작성자 Shauna 댓글 0건 조회 6회 작성일 23-10-21 13:43


A background summary for a chemistry involved in HHO computer. It is, in fact, easy enough at face value. An energy current, drawn for the vehicle's battery, is passed through a container water. The water reacts with an electrode mounted in the container and HHO is manufactured. Hydroxy gas bubbles to your surface which can be drawn off into the car's carburetor. This hydroxy gas burns up to 4x better than gasoline.

The ignition system is really a group of components that work in tandem to produce the ignition. The ignition system contains an ignition coil, a distributor, a distributor cap, a rotor, plug wires and spark plugs. Older ignition systems use can be called a "points-and-condenser system" in the distributor. Current ignition systems like one your car most likely contains uses an ECU. An ECU or an Engine COntrol Unit controls the spark and ignition timing.

Over that will help of next 3 days, every spare moment Experienced was spent trying to this big rig. Some times always be exhibit concern is and maybe it would run best. I had an estimated 8+ additional hours spent trying to get this problem solved. Never ending hours in my off time researching. I even dusted off your old OEM Ford Repair Manual looking for clues! Client had called numerous times for updates, hoping developed repaired. My customer service skills were on the line, not to mention my reputation and lets keep in mind my professional pride!

The 1997 Toyota Camry has remained one for this best-selling family sedans in the market for years. It gives consumers what they desire: attractiveness, performance, and reliability. Issues has had very few safety recalls and includes quality features like a powered steering wheel, front seat, and mirrors. However, the Camry is in danger of both minor and major problems, outlined. Although regular and professional servicing assistance prevent the vast majority of these issues, replacing the Engine Control Module (ECM) is optimum solution.

If the engine is shocked or experiences a short in the action supply/wiring, the jolt that follows may stall the Wrangler. An electricity overload will fry the Vehicle's PCM. The cause of this is actually Mitsubishi either the solenoid or actuator world.

Yes. It boasts of three.5 out of 5.0 rating, which ranks in an efficient Powertrain Control Module position for your midsize Sports utility vehicles. Its regular maintenance and repair costs 1 year are around $732 annually.

The technique is pretty . As you already know, the brake rotors turn utilizing the car wheels as they move. When braking pressure is applied through the brake pedal, this pressure, either electronically or mechanically, forces the brake pads to clamp down onto the rotors. The friction naturally caused minimizes the vehicle's level.


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